Raspberry Pi Enclosure Project
The objective of this project was to design a functional and precise enclosure for a Raspberry Pi using SolidWorks. The goal was to create a detailed two-part enclosure that accommodates the Raspberry Pi board, ensuring it meets manufacturability and assembly requirements.
The project began with importing and preparing the Raspberry Pi board model, followed by creating the base of the enclosure. Detailed features such as cutouts for ports, lip and groove for fitting, and a snap hook for secure assembly were added. The design process involved creating the top half of the enclosure and ensuring all dimensions and features were precise. Final adjustments were made to optimize the design for injection molding.
The final Raspberry Pi enclosure was a detailed and functional design, demonstrating comprehensive use of SolidWorks features and best practices. The enclosure was precisely modeled to fit the Raspberry Pi board, with cutouts for ports and secure fitting features. The project emphasized precision in modeling, effective use of SolidWorks tools, and attention to manufacturability, resulting in a robust and well-designed enclosure ready for production.